When does the Solicitation open and close?
What is unique about SBIR Ignite?
Are there any informational events or recordings available?
What if my company already has a commercial interest (prior to a Phase I proposal)?
What are the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) that NASA is looking for for Phase I and Phase II Projects?
What are the timelines in which NASA expects these innovations to be developed and commercialized?
Can I go directly to Phase 2 without going through Phase 1?
Will the Ignite program offer both STTR and SBIR options?
Is this award subject to Congress approval?
What criteria determines the eligibility for a business to participate in SBIR Ignite?
What are the business ownership requirements?
If you are internationally owned, are you allowed to apply for this SBIR solicitation
What if some of my team is located outside of the US? What are the limitations on foreign (meaning non-US) involvement?
Do I need to be a full-time founder or business owner?
Who owns the IP developed through the program?
How many applications can be submitted for SBIR Ignite? Can I submit multiple proposals using the same tech but different use cases?
I understand the maximum is 2 submissions per firm. If both submissions are interesting to NASA are two awards possible?
What is the evaluation criteria? How are proposals scored?
When describing my offering, should I be specific about a single use case or include all possible use cases within a topic?
Will my proposal be judged on whether I am participating in I-Corps, TABA, or other optional offerings?
In the proposal abstract, can you check more than 1 box for “what the proposal addresses”, e.g. Market Stimulation and Point Solution?
Can you provide templates for application components to help standardize the content?
What is the admission/acceptance rate?
I'm having trouble with one of the proposal forms.
I am having trouble filling out the budget form.
Is there a fund matching for this opportunity?
For matching fund programs, does the outside funding have to be contingent on getting the matching NASA funds, or can that investment have been made in advance of the match?
Who can I contact with specific program questions and concerns?
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